Demonstrate CI/CD NAT44 Policy Update

Re-configure Subscriber Client (UE) to use only IPv4 Re-configure Subscriber Client (UE) to use only IPv4 on ens6 traffic interface ~ubuntu/ipv4-* ip -4 a dig web1.cnf.local curl web1.cnf.local

At this point, “curl” should fail as there is no CGNAT policy deployed. TIP: You can leaving curl running continuously (every 2 seconds) using the watch command. watch curl -s http://web1.cnf.local

Log into ArgoCD

Graphical user interface, application

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Alternatively, Log in via Subscriber Client browser GitLab root/passw0rd ArgoCD admin/passw0rd)

Configure ArgoCD

Select + New App

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Set-up the following ArgoCD Application:

CGN Policy General Application Name: cgn-policy Project: cgn-policy Source Repository URL: https://gitlab.f5.local/root/my-cnf.git Path: cgn-policy Destination Cluster URL: Namespace: my-cnf

The Argo application should deploy but will not be synchronized, as shown below. Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated Click on Sync, then click Synchronize in the new pane that is displayed to synchronise all settings between GitLab and the Kubernetes cluster. It should now be possible to connect from the Client to the Web Server. Explore the Argo UI. Click on cgn-policy to view the configuration and status. Modify NAT44 policy

In the Jumphost SSH session, edit the NAT44 policy (e.g. using vi), then push this to the Gitlab repository. vi ~/my-cnf/cgn-policy/41-natpolicy2-nat44.yaml edit the port range to 3500-3600 A picture containing text

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git add ~/my-cnf/cgn-policy/41-natpolicy2-nat44.yaml git commit -m “updated nat44 policy in cli” git push origin master

ArgoCD can operate with either Manual or Automatic synchronisation. We are using manual synchronisation. Within the ArgoCD, synchronise as before and verify (using the Subscriber Client) that the change occurs.